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A Week in Stockholm

In July 2017 I booked a #trip to #Stockholm and it was a refreshing experience if I may say. In fact, when I booked my trip, I did not know what to expect from #Sweden. I barely knew the culture and the language, but while staying there, I had the opportunity to discover a few things about the #Swedish culture.

1-Where I Stayed

Stockholm, but #Scandinavian countries in general, are expensive. Therefore, when I booked my trip I knew I would stay in a hostel but I decided to be logical. What do I need the most I asked myself? The answer is food. I was lucky enough to find an amazing hostel in heart Stockholm for a decent price and that served free pasta every night. ( trust me, if you go to Stockholm and that your budget is limited, pasta will be paradise for you for a week.) I stayed at the City Backpackers Hostel. My room was amazing and I did not imagine it like that. Half of the rooms were underground and when I entered the room I felt like on a boat because of the beds. The beds were inside the walls and we all had our own privacy to read, to listen to music etc. Beds were really comfortable and I was lucky enough to have my own private shower ( TRUST ME sometimes it is a must when you are backpacking from one country to another ). I also was very fortunate to meet wonderful and funny people during my stay, the staff was amazing, helpful and very welcoming. Unfortunately, my only regret is to not have taken any pictures of the room. 📷

2-Activities To Do

There are two #activities that I recommend every one to do when they go to Stockholm. The first is to visit the city by bicycle and to go to the Vasa Museum. Most people in Stockholm use a bicycle to get to point A to point B and it is safe. So safe that I would say the risks of you being hit by a bicycle are higher than being hit by a car. ( HAHA ) However, Stockholm is not only  » one location », in fact, the city reunites many small islands, which forms the heart of Stockholm. To #travel from one island to another you can either walk ( if that’s possible ) or you can take the ferry. As you go towards the destination, the landscape changes from Stockholm to the business side of Stockholm, to the industrial side, to houses where people reside in. On the islands that you get to visit, you find castles, small local museums.  Stockholm is full of many places to discover, such as Galam Stan. Galam Stan is a touristic destination where we can find souvenir boutique, beautiful and historical shop and coffeeshop. I live in Montreal, therefore if any of you ever visited Montreal, Galam Stan would be the equivalent of the Old Montreal.

3-Highlights of My Trips

I believe that what makes the difference between an AMAZING and a good trip are the people that you meet. In fact, I’ve met a couple of people with whom I’m still in contact with. I will also have the #opportunity to see them again in June 2018. I met people with who I connected instantly. It makes your stay magical because you know that it won’t last forever. Those people will leave soon or you will and you will have to say goodbye, but the memories will last forever. Another highlight of my trip was to taste their food. Aside from Ikea Swedish meatball, Sweden as different delicious food to try. One of those that I tried is the Cured Salmon, also known as the Gravadlax. It is extremely good, tasty, delicious and I could go on. Another delicious food that I’ve tried is the pickled Herring, also known as Surströmming. It’s quite salty, therefore the first time I tried I was taken by surprise, but surprisingly, it’s tasty.

I hope you guys enjoyed this article 📷

xo- Camilla

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